Below is a list of professionals or businesses related to pets. Paws of Wakulla, Inc. does not recommend, guarantee or endorse the quality of service of the professionals or businesses listed. If you would like your business listed, please submit your request to [email protected] and your request will be evaluated.
Government Agencies
Wakulla Animal Shelter/Animal Control
Animal Control Ordinance
Veterinarians in Wakulla County (listed in alphabetical order)
Crawfordville Animal Hospital - Facebook
2807 Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville, FL
(850) 926-2089
Forgotten Coast Animal Hospital
3152 Shadeville Road, Crawfordville, FL
Shepherd Springs Animal Hospital - Facebook
4815 Coastal Hwy, Crawfordville, FL
(850) 926-1475
VCA Wakulla Animal Hospital - Website - Facebook
2571 Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville, FL
(850) 926-7153
Rescue Groups (listed in alphabetical order)
Cauzican Care - Facebook - Website
Bonnie Brinson
Du Bois Rescue - Facebook
Judy Du Bois
Forever Friends Farm Rescue & Adoption - Facebook
Dawn Call - (850) 544-8237
Local Pet Related Businesses (listed in alphabetical order)
Puppy Purrs Dog Grooming Facebook
2751 Crawfordville Hwy
Gabby's Grooming, Boarding & Daycare - Facebook
Gabby Nogiec, Owner
Ms. Maria's Pet Grooming - Facebook - Website
Maria Creech, Owner
Purrs and Wags Healthy Pets - Facebook - Website
Christy Brooks, Owner
Other Misc. Resources
Assistance Dog Resources
Emergency Planning for Pets
Help with Vet Bills
Keeping Spot Safe: Pet Safety in the Home
Shopping Green for Your Pet
VA Benefits for Service Dogs
Below is a list of professionals or businesses related to pets. Paws of Wakulla, Inc. does not recommend, guarantee or endorse the quality of service of the professionals or businesses listed. If you would like your business listed, please submit your request to [email protected] and your request will be evaluated.
Government Agencies
Wakulla Animal Shelter/Animal Control
Animal Control Ordinance
Veterinarians in Wakulla County (listed in alphabetical order)
Crawfordville Animal Hospital - Facebook
2807 Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville, FL
(850) 926-2089
Forgotten Coast Animal Hospital
3152 Shadeville Road, Crawfordville, FL
Shepherd Springs Animal Hospital - Facebook
4815 Coastal Hwy, Crawfordville, FL
(850) 926-1475
VCA Wakulla Animal Hospital - Website - Facebook
2571 Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville, FL
(850) 926-7153
Rescue Groups (listed in alphabetical order)
Cauzican Care - Facebook - Website
Bonnie Brinson
Du Bois Rescue - Facebook
Judy Du Bois
Forever Friends Farm Rescue & Adoption - Facebook
Dawn Call - (850) 544-8237
Local Pet Related Businesses (listed in alphabetical order)
Puppy Purrs Dog Grooming Facebook
2751 Crawfordville Hwy
Gabby's Grooming, Boarding & Daycare - Facebook
Gabby Nogiec, Owner
Ms. Maria's Pet Grooming - Facebook - Website
Maria Creech, Owner
Purrs and Wags Healthy Pets - Facebook - Website
Christy Brooks, Owner
Other Misc. Resources
Assistance Dog Resources
Emergency Planning for Pets
Help with Vet Bills
Keeping Spot Safe: Pet Safety in the Home
Shopping Green for Your Pet
VA Benefits for Service Dogs